Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Why I love to train my body and push my limits...

Hey Guys,

So today I just want to write up on why I love weight training and pushing my body to it's limits.

It really isn't just about looking good at the beach or any superficial reason like that (although that is always a good bonus!).

Training your body and being serious about it, takes a lot of discipline, focus and patience, but by going through this it provides you with discipline, focus and patience in all aspects of your life, not just in the gym.

To successfully train your body into achieving great results, you must first train your mind to be mentally strong to push you through those days where you don't feel like hitting the gym, or those days at the gym where you're really struggling and want to just go home, even those last reps on each set where the pain is excruciating and all you want to do is drop the weights.
Pushing through on those days, and those last few reps, is what transforms you from average to great.

Anybody can go to the gym when they feel like it, and lift some weights until the pain starts then put it down.
It takes true determination and desire for success to actually turn up when you're tired or you don't feel too good. To push through those last reps when the muscle is burning so bad, but you know that this is where the growth comes from.
This is not for the weak minded.
This is hard, and that's why I love it..I mean if it was easy, the whole world would be walking around with amazing physiques right?

When you're in the gym, and you have giving it your all for the entire session, you get a release of endorphins that give you such a natural high, it would rival any chemical drug out there, and this natural high is as addictive as anything, and all you have to do to get it, is sweat for it.
You get this endorphins rush from a thing called 'the pump' (where your muscles are so inflated with blood and nutrients that you look pumped up) and if you've never experienced it, you don't know what you are've got to experience it!

Waking up the next morning after a killer gym session with DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) is one of my favorite feelings. Yeah sure it can hurt sometimes, but it's not a bad pain, more of a satisfaction pain, because you know your body is about to grow and get stronger than it was yesterday.

Pushing beyond your comfort zone is the only way you grow in life, whether it's physically in the gym, mentally, emotionally etc. It is the corner stone of growth.

Yeah sometimes you may push your limits and fail...but if you never push yourself to your limits you will never know how far in life you can go...

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